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Math Coaching

What can you expect from Math Coaching with Kelly?

🧮 A full numeracy assessment including a report for you and specific goals to boost your child's numeracy skills

🧠Math anxiety-informed instruction directed by a Math Therapy trained teacher

🍎 Specialized, science-based instruction, delivered by a Special Education Specialist with over 10 years experience teaching neurodiverse learners 

Magnetic Numbers

Kelly's Math Story

Math Anxiety is real!

I still remember the overwhelming fear I felt during timed drills and not-so-fun competitions at math time. By grade 2, my fear of math was so intense that my brain would shut down whenever I had to solve equations with a timer or an audience—or both—I would do anything to avoid math at school. This avoidance continued until I eventually dropped math altogether in grade 10, shutting the door on any math-related opportunities for the future.

In elementary school, I was diagnosed with a learning disability, and many "experts" believed that I simply wasn’t capable of doing math. It became an expert-approved excuse to add to my long list of ways to avoid math. But the truth was, I could do math—when I felt it mattered. If I needed to pass a test to avoid failing, I could not only pass, but I’d often score perfectly. And when it came to shopping? Discounts, currency exchange, sales tax—you name it, I was (and still am) a math genius! This clearly challenged the idea that I couldn’t do math because of my learning disability.

It wasn’t until I discovered The Math Guru, Vanessa Vakharia, and her course in Math Therapy that I realized everyone is capable of doing math. It’s fear and poor math instruction that hold us back. If that’s all it is, then I’ve made it my mission to give kids the best math instruction and help them break through the fear zone into the fun zone. I don’t want any of my students to close the door on math opportunities because of anxiety.

I’m here to make math fun and open doors to a bright, happy future for all of my students!

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